Curriculum Resources

The Multiple Intelligence Wheel

The Multiple Intelligence Wheel - an interactive and contributive website that enables the user to create their own "wheel" of preferred learning styles. 
Resource Support Notes:
This is an interactive worksheet which produces a multiple intelligences wheel based upon Gardner's eight multiple intelligences. With thanks to Jean Maund, from whom this idea originated, and colleagues in the University of the First Age who helped develop the questionnaire.  
Group Affiliation:
Pupil/Student, Teaching, Life Long Learners, Management, WMnet Members 
Pupil/Student - General, Teaching - General, Life Long Learners - General, Management - General, WMnet Members - General, Other subjects 
Age Relevance:
Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4, Life Long Learning, Post 16 
Copyright Holder:
Birmingham City Council/Netmedia 
Birmingham City Council/Netmedia

Link to the Site