IWB Resources

Coventry Numeracy Resources - Fractions Decimals and Percentages Index


Areas covered

FDP Balance

compare fraction to fraction
compare decimal to fraction
compare percentage to fraction
compare decimal to percentage
using random or own values


make a string of fractions
- equivalent fractions (numerator = 1)
- equivalent fractions
- reduce to simplest form (numerator = 1)
- reduce to simplest form
- changing fractions (improper to mixed numbers)
compare fractions on a number line

Post Sorting

post the letters into the appropriate letter box
- rounding TU to nearest 10, HTU to nearest 10, HTU to nearest 100, 
U.t to nearest 1
- partitioning into tens and units
- <35, between 35 and 65, >65
- convert £ to pence and pence to £

Post Sorting - Fractions

post the letters into the appropriate letter box
- equivalent fractions (numerator = 1)
- equivalent fractions
- reduce to simplest form
- comparison to a half

PV cards decimal

arrow cards for U.t, U.th, U.thth 
arrow cards + visual representation for U.t, U.th

Bingo - Fractions

match fraction to image
match fraction to equivalent image

match equivalent fraction
change improper fractions
match fraction to decimal

Bingo - Fractions of Amounts

fractions of amounts - linked to tables facts
(amount is a multiple of denominator)

fractions of quantities - cm g ml